Here it is! The OG and Full Length version of the Indigenous anthem “NDN Kars” by Keith Secola! but with Friday Night Thunder drivers, sprint cars and Ohsweken Speedway! 🪶🏎️ This light-hearted scene kicks off with Artie Martin, a Kawenní:io/Gawení:yo school rep, who teaches Derek Miller #38 how to say the word “Indian car” in Mohawk.
Enjoy this 3-minute version of “NDN Kars” that we wish we had more time for in episode 11 “Iceman & The Beast”.
Appearances By:
Derek Miller #38
Victor Bomberry #420
Wesley Martin
Matthew Hill #MK8
Joshua Hill #99
Alex Hill #77X
Aaron Turkey #68
Glenn Styres #0
Brian Nanticoke #9C
Johnny Miller #20
Haedyn Nanticoke #9H
Allan Downey #19D
Stream Friday Night Thunder Seasons 1–4 now on APTN Lumi.
Digital Media Content Director: Denneil Annett
Digital Media Editor: Steve Cairns
Social Media Content Director: Melissa Jim
#cratesprint #360sprint #FridayNightThunder #Season4 #ndnkars #keithsecola #ohswekenspeedway